From an interview of the great Jules Feiffer I've culled some of his thoughts on letting your work grow and develop:
"What happens, happens, and it happens outside the brain. Over the years, I discovered over and over again that once you lose control, you have a chance of getting good at it. And once you’re controlling the work, it’s not going to be very good, or it won’t be as good as it should be."
He continues:
"I was floundering, but I was happily floundering. I felt no sense of crisis. I was in my playpen. Throwing around stuff, and happy as a clam. Each week, it seemed for a while, I was trying something else."
I've been aware my unwillingness to get a style and stick with it, but for me the journey of experimentation and discovery provides much of the satisfaction I get through my work.
... And of course I AM in this for the fun.