When I was growing up in Chicago, I used to watch Bozo's Circus on our old b/w TV. I liked the band. The clown was lame.
I remember one show vividly. Bozo had a guest act. A plate spinner. The guy had 7 or so vertical rods on which he placed ceramic plates, setting them spinning with his hands. The act was putting all 7 plates on the rods and keep them spinning fast enough so they wouldn't topple off. He wasn't very good at it.
Anyway, even as a kid the act really stressed me out.
There have been many times in my life when I've felt like that plate spinner. Running to and fro frantically, sweating unglamorously, trying to keep too many projects spinning at the same time. Desperate not to let a too-long ignored project topple and smash.
Expecting any moment to hear the tune the band played when someone blew it.
What do other writers or illustrators do to stay focused on the important project? I know what is my top priority, I just keep getting pulled away from it.